The Project Brief
The Co-operative Group’s Central & Eastern regional membership team organised a number of events around the region. These engaged members, and highlighted local and national community and campaign activity.
The team required photographs to be taken at a number of events to capture activity. These were to be used in internal and external marketing materials.

The Co-op’s Central & Eastern regional membership team organised member engagement and campaign activity in the former Central & Eastern democratic region of The Co-operative Group.
The Solution
The Insite Web team liaised with the Central & Eastern Membership team to discuss the range of images that were required. It was important for us to understand how the images were to be used and also how they fitted into the wider Co-operative Group’s brand guidelines. We then offered advice about image formats and resolutions so the client could use them in the most flexible way.
Prior to attendance at events we agreed the scope of the subjects to be photographed.
The Results
Numerous photographs were taken at events across the regions. Images were digitally enhanced when requested and then provided electronically to the client. Insite Web also ensured that consent forms were completed by subjects in order to safeguard that the Co-op regional membership team had all necessary permissions for image use.
What Our Client Said
“Insite Web were really responsive and helped us by producing great imagery and photography for events, they also supported campaigns with materials and content that really engaged with our audience”
Leigh Anderson– Co-Op Membership Officer

End-to-end photography services. From discussing image requirements and providing advice on subject matter to supplying digital images in a range of formats for online or offline use. Discover how we can make you look fantastic.