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PPC Audit Service

Review your PPC to stop wasted spend and poor leads or sales now

A Detailed, Actionable PPC Audit to Transform Your PPC Performance

Our in depth PPC audit services will give you the detailed insights needed to make a step change in your lead generation, sales and reduce wasted spend. All completed by a certified human PPC experts, not AI.

  • Completed by human experts, not machines
  • We can audit Google Ads or Bing Ads (Microsoft)
  • Covers search, shopping, and remarketing
  • Covers full processes; e.g. campaign setup, keyword & landing pages
  • Always starts with a free initial overview

We’ll Improve Your PPC, or Your Money Back

5.0 star rated by our customers

A Detailed, Actionable PPC Audit to Transform Your PPC Performance

Our in depth PPC audit services will give you the detailed insights needed to make a step change in your lead generation, sales and reduce wasted spend. All completed by a certified human PPC experts, not AI.


A PPC Audit Service That Delivers Results

Not happy with your current PPC agency or freelancer, or running your own campaigns and have hit a brick wall? Worried your wasting money and getting poor results?

You’re not alone, many customers don’t know what to do or who to turn to, whether to approach another agency, or what constitutes the best way to find a PPC expert.

The solution is to have a PPC goals review and then a full scale PPC analysis. Our service starts with an initial free analysis that will audit the main areas of a Google Ads account to ascertain if your performance is bad, average, or good. Only then do you know whether you need a full audit.

Our full audit will give you insights and areas of improvement that will save money by reducing wasted spend, reduce your cost per lead or cost per sale, and allow you to scale and grow your business profitability.

How Our Audit Will Improve Your Leads & Sales

1. Improve Account Settings & Structure

Our PPC review delves into the settings and structure of your account, looking at campaigns, adgroups and targeting. As a PPC audit agency we review the geographic and demographic targeting, plus budgets and areas that waste spend or don’t deliver results; e.g. AI, search partners and display performance.

Get recommendations for better targeting & account performance

2. Better Keywords, Targeting & Quality Score

Keywords are the engine of PPC, they determine what customer searches your ads show for and how much each click costs. We review keyword selection, grouping, match type and relevance to advert copy, as well as negative keywords to ensure you’re showing for relevant customer searches only.

Get actionable insights to improve keyword use & save money

3. Higher Converting Landing Pages

A click on a PPC advert is only the start, when a customer clicks on your advert they land on a page that tells them about your service or product. The PPC audit service reviews the page, it’s relevance to the keyword/advert, plus the copy, calls to action and site conversion processes.

Dramatically improve your landing pages & conversion rate

4. Detailed Conversion Tracking & Insights

Optimising the campaigns, keywords, adverts, and pages is only part of the process, accurately measuring all the clicks, calls, live chats, form fills and sales is key. We will assess whether you’re tracking everything properly, plus able to measure conversion and marketing ROI in detail.

Conversion changes that will make an insight driven step change

  • Improve Account Settings & Structure

    Our PPC review delves into the settings and structure of your account, looking at campaigns, adgroups and targeting. As a PPC audit agency we review the geographic and demographic targeting, plus budgets and areas that waste spend or don’t deliver results; e.g. AI, search partners and display performance.

    Get recommendations for better targeting & account performance

Full Audit Details

We check over 80 data points and areas; the key areas are:

  • Account & business settings
  • Campaign & AdGroup Settings
  • Keywords & match type analysis
  • Budget & bid management
  • AI usage & targeting
  • Landing pages
  • Ad text & calls to action (CTAs)
  • Quality Score
  • Form & sales tracking
  • Phone call tracking
  • Assets & Google Business
  • Lead generation funnels
  • Account & business settings
  • Campaign & AdGroup Settings
  • Keywords & match type analysis
  • Budget & bid management
  • AI usage & targeting
  • Landing pages
  • Ad text & calls to action (CTAs)
  • Quality Score
  • Form & sales tracking
  • Phone call tracking
  • Assets & Google Business
  • Lead generation funnels

How It Works 


Book Your Free Demo

We discuss your PPC setup, issues, and goals. You give us access to your PPC accounts & we run a free initial analysis within 2 working days. 


Audit Process

The free analysis leads to a full audit (sometimes we don’t recommend a full audit). The full audit is competed and sent to you within 5 working days. 


Audit Results

We deliver comprehensive analysis with actionable insights and recommendations. You get a free 20 minute phone/video call to review it. 


We keep this very simple, there are only two levels, and both include the free initial analysis and full detailed audit service and report. The only difference is based on the account size, spend and complexity, as this determines how much time is needed for the analysis and reporting.

Audit Level 1

One account, or two very simple accounts for the same company, monthly spend up to £5k per month and up to 4 campaigns.

£180 (plus VAT)

Audit Level 2

Unlimited spend and number of campaigns, and two accounts for the same company; e.g. Google Ads and Bing Ads.

£360 (plus VAT)

The initial demo and account review is free, if you then wish to go ahead with a full audit, 50% is due upfront and 50% on completion.

What are you waiting for – Book Your PPC Audit Today

What Is a PPC Audit?

A PPC audit is an in depth review of all aspects of your Google Ads / Bing Ads PPC search and shopping campaigns. It is a detailed examination of the structure and effectiveness of your pay-per-click advertising account and it’s performance.

The key objective is to ensure you get the best return on investment and maximise leads/sales, without wasting spend.

The outcome will give you insights and actionable options to enhance the efficiency and performance of your Google/Bing Ads search campaigns, improve Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), ensuring your lead generation and sales goals are being properly measured and achieved.

What we review in detail is: –

1. Campaign Settings:

Review campaign settings, including geographical and location targeting, ad scheduling, budgets, and language settings.

We review the campaign settings against your target audience, marketing goals and objectives.

2. Keyword Analysis:

Evaluate the relevance and performance of keywords, including match type and negative keyword usage.

Identify high-performing and low-performing keywords by leads/sales and cost per click (CPC) and cost per acquisition (CPA).

Review negative keywords setup and implementation, ensuring these are used to filter out irrelevant traffic and that the keywords aren’t wasting money on irrelevant searches.

3. Ad Group Structure:

Assess the organisation and structure of ad groups; e.g. ensuring each ad group has a clear theme and contains only relevant keywords.

Ascertain if ad groups are too broad, and review whether the search terms the ad group generates clicks for are aligned with the target keywords.

4. Ad Copy and Ad Extensions:

Analyse the effectiveness of ad copy, to ensure that ad copy aligns with the ad group’s keywords and the services/products you sell. Along with calls to action (CTAs) to encourage high click through rates (CTR).

Evaluate the use and performance of ad extensions; e.g. brand name and logo, sitelinks, callouts, and images.

5. Quality Score Optimization:

Review Quality Score metrics for keywords, expected click through rate and landing pages.

Identify opportunities to improve ad relevance with copy changes, click-through rate with CTA changes, and landing page experience as part of the ad group structure and landing page analysis.

6. Bidding Strategy:

Evaluate the current bidding strategy; e.g. whether manual or automated strategies are the better options for your objectives.

Review whether changes or experimenting with different bidding strategies will deliver the best results.

7. Landing Page Experience:

Assess the relevance and user-friendliness of landing pages, do they match well with the adverts that have been clicked.

Review the copy, calls to action and forms/funnels or sales conversion processes.

8. Conversion Tracking:

Review goals and that conversion tracking is properly set up. Are all forms, sales, chats, phone calls etc fully tracked.

Is there any double counting, is the data reported on sensibly, so that decisions can be made on campaigns, adgroups and keyword bids/budgets.

9. Impression Share, Placement, and Device Targeting:

Evaluate the performance across different devices. Are the bids and keywords getting sufficient impression share to optimise their lead/sales generation.

Are search networks or display options enabled, if so are they generating a good ROI or wasting money.

10. Budget Allocation:

Review budget distribution among campaigns and ad groups, are the budgets sufficient to achieve your marketing goals.

Are they being spent in line with the right keywords; e.g. the searches that generate the best leads/sales and at the times of day that generate the best cost per acquisition (CPA).

Who Would Benefit from a PPC Audit?

Large companies, marketing directors and marketing managers

Companies, or digital marketing managers running large scale PPC advertising campaigns either in house, or via an agency, who’d like to see if their campaigns are setup and performing as well as they possibly can be.

Individuals, founders, and small business owners

Individuals, SMEs, or small business owners and entrepreneurs managing their own PPC and marketing can gain insights from a PPC audit report, to ensure cost-effectiveness and better return on investment (ROI).

Anyone using an agency or freelancers

Anyone unhappy with their current outsourced PPC performance, or who wants to review the benefits of moving to a new agency or freelancer. People who don’t know how to ensure that their current performance is analysed accurately, or how to benchmark what best practice is for PPC campaigns.

What are you waiting for – Book Your PPC Audit Today

PPC Audit Service FAQs

We are confident that our PPC account audit services will help you improve your campaign’s profitability, wasted spend and cost per acquisition.

Find the answers to our frequently asked questions below, if these don’t answer your query then please get in touch.

PPC Audit Done – What’s Next?

Your audit will come with a series of actionable insights based on the analysis we have run, these will differ depending on what the issues are, plus how complex your account and campaign setup are.

At this stage you can either: –

  1. Work through the recommendations yourself, making any changes and analysing any data, keywords, changes yourself.
  2. We can support you with this work and look at a hybrid solution; e.g. this could mean we make changes for you and hand this back to you to manage, or we could provide data analysis and reviews at certain point in time too.
  3. Alternatively, we can take over the management of your campaigns, implementing all the changes, then managing and improving your PPC on an ongoing basis.

No two business are the same, so after the PPC audit we talk you though the details, we can then jointly decide how you want to proceed with no pressure from us. At that stage we create a proposal and agreement to move forward.

Clients Who’ve Improved Their PPC

Market Leading Tracking & Lead Generation

In the last 4 years we have driven 5 x the average click-through-rate and 6.5 x the average lead conversion results for our clients – See how we can help You Today

16.2% Average CTR Rate (click through rate)

Industry average = 3.17%

24.1% Average Conversion (lead/sale) Rate

Industry average = 3.75%

25% Average Cost Per Click (CPC) Reduction

The average reduction in cost per click we’ve achieved 

155% Average ROI Performance Improvement

The average change in ROI from lead & cost improvements

Our data is based on all clients performance from 2019 to 2022, across a range of industries from ecommerce, through home improvement and leisure to finance leads (some clients see 40%+ conversion rates and far higher ROI). You can see a range of client performances and ROI data on Our Recent Work page.

Industry average CTR and Conversion data is based on WordStream Google Ads Industry Benchmarks updated for 2018 to 2022:

What Our Clients Say